TelosB Sensors – energy efficient monitoring devices with

Temperature and humidity monitoring is of utmost importance in several storage units, manufacturing units, hospitals and laboratories. Monitoring devices made with energy efficient TelsoB sensors are sensible to even small variations in temperature and humidity. The device is also used to monitor light. Tmote works with batteries and hence there is no need of wired connections to operate it. This means the device can be used in remote locations where there is no wired connection and internet connection. High quality sensors assure high performance in tracking the changes in the temperature, humidity and light.

Tip: Save energy with monitoring devices made with CM5000 sensors.

Monitoring devices with user friendly features


MTM-CM5000-MSP – 77.00€

The device is built with user and reset buttons to make the usage of the product so easier without any doubts. The device is supported with USB interface to connect the same with any device including computer to transfer and store the data. Tmote Sky is developed to meet the unique needs of different workplaces. The product with unique performance enjoys good demand in the market.

Tip: Get monitoring devices with user friendly features to enjoy easy operation provides high quality monitoring devices made with TelosB sensors.

Summary: If you are looking for perfect solution to measure and track temperature, humidity and light with the single device, then you can for Tmote Sky wireless platforms.

About Author:- Johanna Sophia

Johana Sophia

Hi friends, I am interested in writing about science, technology & Web related stuff. Follow me on Twitter, on Google +Johanna, on StumbleUpon and/or become a friend on Facebook.

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Telosb Motes – Open Source Platform

Why buying a Tmote Sky?

Telosb Mote – demanding wireless technology

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